Contoh If Clause Type 3 dan Faktanya

If clause type 3 tentu sudah tidak asing bagi kamu yang mempelajari bahasa Inggris mengenai conditional sentence di sekolah lanjut. If clause type 3 atau conditional sentence type 3 ini biasa digunakan untuk kalimat pengandaian yang tidak nyata di masa lampau (unreal in the past).

Tapi di postingan ini kita tidak akan membahas lebih jauh mengenai if clause type 3, jadi kalau kalian ingin mempelajari lebih mengenai if clause type 3, langsung aja cek penjelasan, fungsi dan pola kalimat if clause type 3.

Buat kamu yang ingin mempelajari if clause atau conditional sentence type lain, silahkan bisa cek berbagai postingan berikut:

Ok, langsung aja, berikut berbagai contoh kalimat if clause type 3 dan faktanya yang bisa kamu gunakan sebagai referensi belajar bahasa Inggris conditional sentence:

1.    I would have upgraded my PC if I had had the money last black Friday. 

Saya tentunya sudah meng-upgrade PC saya kalau saja saya memiliki uang pada Harbolnas lalu.

Fact: I didn’t have the money last black Friday so I didn’t upgrade my PC.

2.    If you had told me about the problem, I would have helped you.

Kalau saja kamu memberi tahuku tentang masalahnya, aku akan membantumu.

Fact: You didn’t tell me the problem so I didn’t help you.

3.    If they had studied, they would have passed the exam.

Kalau saja mereka sudah belajar, mereka akan lulus ujian.

Fact: The didn’t study so they didn’t pass the exam.

4.    If I hadn't slipped on the stairs, I wouldn't have broken my arm.

Kalau saja saya tidak terpeleset di tangga, lengan saya tidak akan patah.

Fact: I slipped on the stairs so I broke my arm.

5.    If I had had enough money, I would have bought a car.

Kalau saja saya punya cukup uang, saya sudah membeli sebuah mobil.

Fact: I didn’t have enough money so I didn’t buy a car.

6.    The camping would have been all right if it hadn’t rained all the time.

Perkemahannya tentu akan baik-baik saja jika tidak hujan sepanjang waktu.

Fact: It rained all the time so the camping wasn’t all right.

7.    If we’d gone two weeks earlier, we’d have had better weather.

Kalau saja kita pergi dua minggu sebelumnya, cuacanya tentu akan lebih baik.

Fact: We didn’t go two weeks earlier so we had bad weather.

8.    If Andre had phoned her, Safira wouldn’t have been so annoyed.

Jika Andre meneleponnya, Safira tidak akan sekesal itu.

Fact: Andre didn’t phone her so Safira was so annoyed.

9.    If Jerry had been more careful, he wouldn’t have fallen.

Jika saja Jerry lebih berhati-hati, dia tidak akan terjatuh.

Fact: Jerry wasn’t so careful so he fell.

10.    If Milly had gone to the hospital, she would have gotten better more quickly.

Jika saja Milly pergi ke rumah sakit, dia akan sembuh lebih cepat.

Fact: Milly didn’t go to the hospital so it took longer for her to get better.

11.    If Tommy hadn’t lost his passport, he wouldn’t have missed the flight home.

Jika Tommy tidak kehilangan paspornya, dia tidak akan ketinggalan penerbangan pulang.

Fact: Tommy lost his passport so he missed the light home.

12.    If you hadn’t stayed out all night, you wouldn’t have slept all day.

Jika kamu tidak keluar sepanjang malam, kamu tentu tidak akan tidur sepanjang hari.

Fact: You stayed out all night so you slept all day.

13.    If you had helped us move to Surabya, we would have finished packing earlier.

Jika saja kamu membantu kami pindah ke Surabya, kami akan selesai berkemas lebih awal.

Fact: You didn’t help us move to Surabaya so we didn’t finish packing earlier.

14.    If the waiter had been friendlier, I would have left a bigger tip.

Kalau saja pelayannya lebih ramah, saya tentu akan meninggalkan (uang) tip yang lebih.

Fact: The waiter wasn’t quite friendly so I didn’t leave a bigger tip.

15.    If we had had chains in the car, we wouldn’t have gotten stuck in the snow.

Jika kami memiliki rantai di dalam mobil, kami tidak akan terjebak di salju.

Fact: We didn’t have chains in the car so we got stuck in the snow.

16.    If the map on my phone hadn’t been wrong, we wouldn’t have gotten lost.

Jika saja peta di ponsel saya tidak salah, kami tentu tidak akan tersesat.

Fact: The map on my phone was wrong so we got lost.

17.    If I hadn’t been so tired, I would have paid closer attention.

Jika saya tidak terlalu lelah, saya akan memperhatikan lebih baik lagi.

Fact: I was so tired so I didn’t pay closer attention.

18.    If we had taken the train, we would have been there an hour ago.

Jika kita naik kereta, kita sudah ada di sana satu jam yang lalu.

Fact: We didn’t take the train so we weren’t there an hour ago.

19.    If I had had my laptop fixed, I would have finished the essay by now.

Jika saja laptop saya sudah diperbaiki, saya akan menyelesaikan esainya sekarang.

Fact: I didn’t have my laptop fixed so I didn’t finish the essay by then.

20.    If I had known you were allergic to shrimp, I wouldn’t have added shrimp paste to the rujak salad.

Jika saya tahu kamu alergi udang, saya tidak akan menambahkan petis ke rujaknya.

Fact: I didn’t know that you were allergic to shrimp so I added shrimp paste to the rujak salad.

21.    If I had known it was your birthday, I would have brought you a gift.

Jika saja aku tahu itu hari ulang tahunmu, aku tentu akan membawakanmu hadiah.

Fact: I didn’t know it was your birthday so I didn’t bring you a gift.

22.    If Devi had set her alarm on her phone, she wouldn’t have overslept.

Jika Devi sudah menyetel alarm di ponselnya, dia tidak akan ketiduran.

Fact: Devi didn’t set her alarm on her phone so she overslept.

23.    If you had planned the things properly, you wouldn’t have gotten into a mess.

Jika kamu sudah merencanakan hal-hal dengan benar, kamu tidak akan jadi berantakan seperti ini.

Fact: You didn’t plan the things properly so you got into a mess.

24.    If I hadn’t fallen ill and missed the interview, I might have gotten the job.

Jika saya tidak jatuh sakit dan melewatkan wawancara, saya mungkin sudah mendapatkan pekerjaan itu.

Fact: I fell ill and missed the interview so I didn’t get the job.

25.    If we’d stopped to have lunch, we might have missed the train.

Jika saja kami berhenti untuk makan siang, kami mungkin saja ketinggalan kereta.

Fact: We didn’t stop to have lunch so we didn’t miss the train.

Baiklah, itu tadi beberapa contoh if clause type 3 dan faktanya beserta dengan terjemahannya yang bisa memudahkan kamu dalam belajar bahasa Inggris terkait conditional sentence. Semoga kamu bisa belajar conditional sentence ini lebih mudah lagi.