50 Contoh Kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 2 dan Faktanya

Hi gorgeous learner, setelah sebelumnya kita membahas mengenai contoh kalimat conditional sentence type 1, kita akan lanjut membahas mengenai kalimat conditional sentence type 2. Pembahasan yang kita berikan kali ini hanya menyinggung sedikit saja dan lebih menekankan pada contoh kalimat conditional sentence type 2 dan faktanya agar kamu lebih mudah memahaminya dan mengerti konteks penggunaanya.

Contoh kalimat conditional sentence type 2

Contoh kalimat conditional sentence type 2 dan faktanya, image by freepik.com

Sebelum masuk ke contoh kalimat conditional sentence type 2, ada baiknya kita ketahui terlebih dahulu apa itu conditional sentence type 2. Secara umum conditional sentence type 2 digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang kemungkinan kecil atau hampir mustahil terjadi di masa mendatang ataupun dalam waktu dekat. Dan kenyataan pada saat ini memang berbeda dengan pernyataan tersebut. Contoh:

  • If Dian had enough money, she would buy a Ferrari.

Pada contoh pernyataan di atas, Dian ingin membeli Ferrari kalau ia memiliki cukup uang. Akan tetapi ia pikir sangat kecil kemungkinan atau hampir tidak mungkin bagi Dian untuk bisa membeli Ferrari dalam waktu dekat nanti karena kenyataannya Dian pada saat ini tidak memiliki cukup uang.

Rumus Kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 2

Sebenarnya semua jenis conditional sentence memiliki 2 bagian yang sama yakni main clause dan if clause. Hanya saja tenses yang digunakan pada tiap jenis conditional sentence berbeda. Untuk conditional sentence type 2 sebagai berikut:

1. S + would + Verb 1 (infinitive) + If + S + Verb 2

Kalau kamu menaruh if clause di awal kalimat, maka gunakan tanda koma sebagai pemisah antara if clause dan main clause.

2. If + S + Verb 2, S + would + Verb 1 (infinitive)

Jadi secara garis besar pada kalimat conditional sentences type 2 kita menggunakan simple past untuk if clause dan simple past future pada main clause.

Catatan: untuk conditional sentences type 2, kita selalu menggunakan to be “were” meskipun subject atau pronoun yang digunakan tunggal (I, he, she, dan it).

Contoh Conditional Sentence Type 2 dan Faktanya

Tak lengkap rasanya jika hanya mempelajari conditional sentence type 2 dengan melihat rumus atau polanya saja. Oleh karena itu, berikut ContohText bagikan 50 contoh kalimat conditional sentence type 2 dan faktanya agar kita lebih mengerti konteks penggunaannya.

  1. If I were you, I would stay away from her.
    Jika aku jadi kamu, aku akan menjauh darinya.
    Fact: You keep close with her.

  2. If I had wings, I would fly home now.
    Jika aku punya sayap, aku akan terbang pulang sekarang.
    Fact: I don’t have wings so I don't fly home now.

  3. If I got hired by Microsoft, I would treat you lunch for a week.
    Jika aku diterima oleh Microsoft, aku akan mentraktirmu makan siang selama seminggu.
    Fact: I don’t get hired by Microsoft so I don’t treat you lunch for a week.

  4. He would finish his school project if his laptop were not broken.
    Dia akan menyelesaikan tugas sekolahnya jika laptopnya tidak rusak.
    Fact: His laptop is broken so he doesn’t finish his school project.

  5. Indra would be very happy if his YouTube channel got one million subscribers.
    Indra akan sangat senang jika kanal YouTube-nya mendapat satu juta pelanggan.
    Fact: Indra’s YouTube channel doesn’t get one million subscribers so he isn’t very happy.

  6. They would spend their holiday in Maldives if they had a lot of money.
    Mereka akan menghabiskan liburan mereka di Maladewa jika mereka punya banyak uang.
    Fact: They don’t have a lot of money so they don’t spend their holiday in Maldives.

  7. What would you do if you were stranded on a desert island?
    Apa yang akan kau lakukan jika kau terdampar di pulau terpencil?
    Fact: You are not stranded on a dessert island.

  8. If Indah came 5 minutes earlier, she wouldn’t miss her bus.
    Jika Indah datang 5 menit lebih awal, dia tidak akan ketinggalan bisnya.
    Fact: Indah comes 5 minutes late so she misses her bus.

  9. Dina would take the business trip if her company paid for the accommodation.
    Dina akan melakukan perjalanan bisnis jika perusahaannya membayar akomodasi.
    Fact: Dina’s company doesn’t pay for the accommodation so she doesn’t take the business trip.

  10. I wouldn’t buy you sweet martabak if my boss didn’t give me a bonus.
    Aku tidak akan membelikanmu martabak manis jika bosku tidak memberikan aku bonus.
    Fact: My boss give me a bonus so I buy you sweet martabak.

  11. If I were a famous singer, I would perform a solo concert.
    Jika aku seorang penyanyi terkenal, aku akan menyelenggarakan konser solo.
    Fact: I’m not a famous singer so I don’t perform a solo concert.

  12. If I were Jennie Blackpink, I would be so famous all over the world.
    Jika aku Jennie Blackpink, aku akan sangat terkenal di seluruh dunia.
    Fact: I’m not Jenny Blackpink so I’m bot famous all over the world.

  13. Linda would be so happy if her lost cat were found.
    Linda akan sangat senang jika kucingnya yang hilang ditemukan.
    Fact: Linda’s lost cat is not found so she is sad.

  14. If I were a monkey, I would be able to climb the coconut tree effortlessly.
    Jika aku seekor monyet, aku bisa memanjat pohon kelapa tanpa susah payah.
    Fact: I’m not a monkey so it takes a lot of effort to climb the coconut tree.

  15. If I lost my job, I would move to my hometown.
    Jika aku kehilangan pekerjaan, aku akan pindah ke kampung halaman.
    Fact: I don’t lose my job so I don’t move to my hometown.

  16. If she were a billionaire, she would buy the mansion near the lake.
    Jika dia seorang miliarder, dia akan membeli rumah besar di dekat danau.
    Fact: She isn’t a billionaire so she doesn’t buy the mansion near the lake.

  17. Lina would be angry if you broke her vase.
    Lina akan marah jika kamu memecahkan vasnya.
    Fact: You don’t break the vase so Lina doesn’t angry with you.

  18. If I were an ant, I would be able to carry more than ten times my body weight.
    Jika aku seekor semut, aku dapat membawa lebih dari sepuluh kali berat badanku.
    Fact: I’m not an ant so I’m not able to carry more than ten times my body weight.

  19. If the weather were windy, my brother would fly his kite.
    Jika cuacanya berangin, saudaraku akan menerbangkan layang-layangnya.
    Fact: The weather isn’t windy so my brother doesn’t fly his kite.

  20. If I were your ex-boyfriend, I would not leave you without saying a word.
    Jika aku adalah mantan pacarmu, aku tidak akan meninggalkanmu tanpa mengucapkan sepatah kata pun.
    Fact: I’m not you ex-boyfriend so I don’t leave you without saying a word.

  21. If he were a bad person, he would not help me.
    Jika dia orang jahat, dia tidak akan membantu saya.
    Fact: He is a nice person so he helps me.

  22. If I were Gigih, I would not skip school only for playing a game at the internet café.
    Jika aku Gigih, aku tidak akan bolos sekolah hanya karena bermain game di warnet.
    Fact: I’m not Gigih so I don’t skip school only for playing a game at internet café.

  23. If the new MacBook were cheaper, I would buy one.
    Jika MacBook baru lebih murah, aku akan membelinya.
    Fact: The new MacBook is expensive so I don’t buy it.

  24. If we didn’t pass the entrance exam for college, our parents would be so disappointed.
    Jika kita tidak lulus ujian masuk perguruan tinggi, orang tua kita akan sangat kecewa.
    Fact: We pass the entrance exam for college so our parents aren’t disappointed.

  25. My landlord would kick me out of the apartment if I didn’t pay the rent.
    Pemilik penginapanku akan mengusirku keluar dari apartemen jika aku tidak membayar sewa.
    Fact: I pay the rent so my landlord didn’t kick me out of the apartment.

  26. The students would pay more attention if the teacher made the class more interesting.
    Siswa akan lebih memperhatikan jika guru membuat kelas lebih menarik.
    Fact: The class is boring so the students don’t pay attention.

  27. Dennis would win the debate competition if he had strong arguments.
    Dennis akan memenangkan kompetisi debat jika ia memiliki argumen yang kuat.
    Fact: Dennis’ arguments are weak so he loses the debate competition.

  28. If we came earlier to the concert, we would be able to watch it on the front row.
    Jika kita datang lebih awal ke konser, kita akan dapat menontonnya di barisan depan.
    Fact: We come late to the concert so we are not able to watch it on the front row.

  29. Bella would look more feminine if her hair were longer.
    Bella akan terlihat lebih feminin jika rambutnya lebih panjang.
    Fact: Bella’s hair is short so she doesn’t look so feminine.

  30. The car would not break down if you did routine maintenance.
    Mobil tidak akan mogok jika Anda melakukan perawatan rutin.
    Fact: I don’t do routine maintenance to the car so it breaks down.

  31. Grandmother would be happy if we came to see her.
    Nenek akan senang jika kita datang untuk menemuinya.
    Fact: We don’t come to see grandmother so he doesn’t feel happy.

  32. I would send her an email if I knew her email address.
    Saya akan mengiriminya email jika saya tahu alamat emailnya.
    Fact: I don’t know her email address so I don’t send him an email.

  33. The flight wouldn’t be delayed if there were no threat of thunderstorms.
    Penerbangan tidak akan ditunda jika tidak ada ancaman badai.
    Fact: There is a threat of thunderstorms so the flight is delayed.

  34. She would be late for school if her mother didn’t woke her up earlier.
    Dia akan terlambat ke sekolah jika ibunya tak membangunkannya lebih awal.
    Fact: Her mother wakes her up earlier so she doesn’t late for school.

  35. If I got a raise, I wouldn’t look for another job.
    Jika aku mendapat kenaikan gaji, aku tidak akan mencari pekerjaan lain.
    Fact: I don’t get a raise so I look for another job.

  36. Jena would have a chance to win if she took part in the singing competition.
    Jena akan memiliki kesempatan untuk menang jika dia ikut serta dalam kompetisi bernyanyi.
    Fact: Jena doesn’t take part in the singing competition so she doesn’t have any chance to win.

  37. The company would be out of business if they didn’t get the fund.
    Perusahaan akan gulung tikar jika mereka tidak mendapatkan dana.
    Fact: They get the fund so the business still runs well.

  38. If the battery were fully charged, my phone would last longer.
    Jika baterainya terisi penuh, ponselku akan bertahan lebih lama.
    Fact: The battery isn’t fully charged so my phone doesn’t last longer.

  39. If I were Spanish, I could speak Spanish fluently without taking a course.
    Jika aku orang Spanyol, aku bisa berbicara bahasa Spanyol dengan lancar tanpa ikut kursus.
    Fact: I’m not Spanish so I can’t speak Spanish fluently without taking a course.

  40. The fried banana would taste great if you added some cheese and chocolate sprinkles on it.
    Pisang goreng akan terasa enak jika kau menambahkan sedikit keju dan taburan cokelat di atasnya.
    Fact: You don’t add some cheese and chocolate sprinkles on the fried banana, so it doesn’t taste great.

  41. Sinta would come with us if you gave him a ride.
    Sinta akan ikut dengan kita jika kau memberinya tumpangan.
    Fact: You don’t give him a ride so Sinta doesn’t come with us.

  42. Jatim Park would be so crowded if today were holiday.
    Jatim Park akan sangat ramai jika hari ini adalah liburan.
    Fact: Today isn’t holiday so Jatim Park isn’t so crowded.

  43. I wouldn’t go to her party if Yuni didn’t beg me to come.
    Aku tidak akan pergi ke pestanya jika Yuni tidak meminta aku untuk datang.
    Fact: Yuni begs me to come to the party so I go there.

  44. I wouldn’t continue my studies abroad if my parents didn’t allow me.
    Aku tidak akan melanjutkan studi di luar negeri jika orang tuaku tidak mengizinkanku.
    Fact: My parents allow me so I continue my studies abroad.

  45. Your luggage wouldn’t be so heavy if you only took the necessary things.
    Bawaanmu tidak akan terlalu berat jika kau hanya membawa barang-barang yang diperlukan.
    Fact: You don’t take only the necessary things so your luggage becomes so heavy.

  46. Farmers would lose half of their total yield if their crops were attacked by pests.
    Para petani akan kehilangan setengah dari total hasil panen mereka jika tanaman mereka terserang hama.
    Fact: The crops are not attacked by pests so farmers don’t lose half of their total yield.

  47. If I were good at math, I would take part in the International Mathematical Olympiad.
    Jika aku pandai dalam matematika, aku akan ikut dalam Olimpiade Matematika Internasional.
    Fact: I’m not good at math so I don’t take part in the International Mathematical Olympiad.

  48. If Maya were rich, she would travel around the world.
    Jika Jessica kaya, dia akan jalan-jalan keliling dunia.
    Fact: Maya isn’t rich so she doesn’t travel around the world.

  49. If I could cook, I would make you a crispy, tasty fried chicken.
    Jika aku bisa memasak, aku akan membuatkanmu ayam goreng renyah dan gurih.
    Fact: I can’t cook so I don’t make you a crispy, tasty fried chicken.

  50. The steak would be tender if it were grilled a little bit longer.
    Steak itu akan empuk jika dipanggang sedikit lebih lama.
    Fact: The steak isn’t grilled long enough so it isn’t tender.

Nah, itu tadi 50 contoh kalimat conditional sentence type 2 dan faktanya yang bisa kamu gunakan sebagai referensi dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris ataupun untuk mengerjakan tugas sekolah. Semoga saja dengan pembahasan contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris mengenai conditional type 2 di atas, kamu lebih paham mengenai bagaimana konteks dan penggunaan kalimatnya sehingga kamu bisa membuatnya sendiri.

Selain contoh conditional sentence type 2 dan faktanya, ContohText juga memiliki beragam materi belajar Bahasa Inggris pemula hingga lanjutan yang bisa dilihat pada laman daftar isi ContohText atau bisa juga klik materi terkait menarik lain di bawah ini.