Contoh If Clause Type 2 dan Faktanya

Setelah di postingan sebelumnya saya sudah membahas contoh if clause type 1, jadi kali ini kita lanjutkan pembahasan contoh if clause type 2 beserta dengan faktanya. Di sini kita tak akan membahas jauh mengenai fungsi dan struktur dari if clause type 2 karena kamu bisa mempelajarinya lebih lanjut di postingan pembahasan lengkap conditional sentence type 2 dan faktanya.

Selain itu, kalau kamu ingin mempelajari if clause atau conditional sentence type yang lain, kamu bisa cek pembahasan berikut:

Ok, langsung aja, berikut berbagai contoh if clause type 2 dan faktanya:

1.    If I were you, I would ask a lawyer for some advice.

Jikalau aku jadi kamu, aku akan meminta nasihat dari seorang pengacara.

Fact: You don't ask for any advice from a lawyer. 

2.    If we had a calculator, we could work this out a lot quicker.

Jika saja kita punya kalkulator, kita dapat menyelesaikannya jauh lebih cepat.

Fact:  We don’t have a calculator so we can’t work this out a lot quicker.

3.    If Mei worked harder, she might do even better at her studies.

Jika Mei bekerja lebih keras, dia mungkin akan berprestasi di pendidikannya.

Fact: Mei doesn’t work quite hard so she doesn’t do better at her studies.

4.    If I ate a lot of cakes, I’d get fat.

Jika aku makan banyak kue, aku akan menjadi gemuk.

Fact: I don’t eat a lot of cakes so I don’t get fat.

5.    If I knew, I’d tell you.

Jikalau saja aku tahu, aku akan memberi tahumu.

Fact: I don’t know so I don’t tell you.

6.    If Risma got up earlier, she wouldn’t always be late.

Jika Risma bangun lebih awal, dia tidak akan selalu terlambat.

Fact: Risma gets up late so she always be late.

7.    If I had more money, I would buy a new car.

Jikalau saja aku punya lebih banyak uang, aku akan membeli mobil baru.

Fact: I don’t have much money so I don’t buy a new car.

8.    If the shirt were on sale, I would get a few.

Jika kemeja itu dijual, aku akan beli beberapa buah.

Fact: The shirt isn’t on sale so I can’t get one.

9.    If you were a teacher, you could help me.

Jika saja kamu seorang guru, kamu bisa membantuku.

Fact: You are not a teacher so you can’t help me.

10.    If I taught this class, I wouldn't give tests.

Kalau aku mengajar kelas ini, aku tidak akan memberikan tes.

Fact: I don’t teach this class so the teacher who teaches this class gives tests.

11.    If Wendy were here right now, he would help us.

Kalau Wendy ada di sini sekarang, dia akan membantu kita.

Fact: Wendy isn’t here right now so he can’t help us.

12.    If I were you, I would accept their invitation.

Kalau aku jadi kamu, aku akan menerima ajakan mereka.

Fact: You don’t accept their invitation.

13.    If Grandpa weren't allergic to flowers, he would bring Grandma flowers more often.

Jika Kakek tidak alergi bunga, dia akan lebih sering membawakan Nenek bunga.

Fact: Grandpa is allergic to flowers so he can’t bring Grandma flowers more often.

14.    If your roommates didn’t spend a lot of time shopping, they would save a lot of money.

Jika teman sekamarmu tidak menghabiskan banyak waktu berbelanja, mereka akan menghemat banyak uang.

Fact: Your roommates spend a lot of time shopping so they can’t save a lot of money.

15.    If Johan liked peas, he would eat them all.

Kalau Johan menyukai kacang polong, dia akan memakan semuanya.

Fact: Johan doesn’t like peas so he doesn’t eat them all.

16.    If I had enough apples, I would bake an apple pie.

Kalau aku memiliki cukup apel, aku akan membuat pai apel.

Fact: I don’t have enough apples so I can’t bake an apple pie.

17.    I would fix your bike if I had the right screwdriver.

Aku akan memperbaiki sepedamu kalau saja aku memiliki obeng yang tepat.

Fact: I don’t have the right screwdriver so I can’t fix your bike.

18.    I would go to a movie tonight if I didn't have any homework to do.

Aku akan pergi ke bioskop malam ini jika aku tidak memiliki pekerjaan rumah yang harus dikerjakan.

Fact: I have homework to do so I can’t go to a movie tonight.

19.    I would turn on my phone if I weren’t in a meeting right now.

Aku akan menyalakan ponsel jika aku tidak sedang rapat sekarang.

Fact: I am in a meeting right now so I can’t turn on my phone.

20.    If we took the car, we’d have to pay for parking.

Jika kita pakai mobil, kita perlu bayar parkir.

Fact: We don’t take the car so we don’t have to pay for the parking.

21.    If you needed a ticket, I could get you one.

Jika kamu membutuhkan tiket, aku bisa membelikan satu untukmu.

Fact: You don’t need a ticket so I don’t get you one.

22.    If you felt like seeing the sights, we could take a bus tour.

Jika kamu ingin melihat-lihat pemandangan, kita bisa naik bus wisata.

Fact: You don’t feel like seeing the sights so we don’t take a bus tour.

23.    If I brought my camera, I could take a photo.

Jika aku membawa kamera, aku bisa mengambil foto.

Fact: I don’t bring my camera so I can’t take a photo.

24.    If Elsa were playing her stereo, it wouldn’t so quiet here.

Jika Elsa memainkan stereonya, (suasananya) di sini tidak akan terlalu sepi.

Fact: Elsa doesn’t play her stereo so it’s so quiet here.

25.    If David weren’t so clumsy, he wouldn’t have so many accidents.

Jika David tidak begitu ceroboh, dia tidak akan mengalami begitu banyak kecelakaan.

Fact: David is so clumsy so he has so many accidents.

26.    If you read the map correctly, we wouldn’t be lost here.

Jika kamu membaca peta dengan benar, kita tidak akan tersesat di sini.

Fact: You don’t read the map correctly so we are lost here.

27.    If I had a dictionary on my phone, I could look the word up for you.

Jika aku punya kamus di ponselku, aku dapat mencarikan katanya untukmu.

Fact: I don’t have a dictionary on my phone so I can’t look the word up for you.

28.    Henry would marry Jane if she loved him.

Henry akan menikahi Jane jika dia mencintainya.

Fact: Jane doesn’t love Henry so he doesn’t marry her.

29.    Mr. Dennis would play tennis if his back weren’t aching.

Pak Dennis akan bermain tenis jika punggungnya tidak sakit.

Fact: Mr. Dennis back is aching so he doesn’t play tennis.

30.    I would buy you a present if I remembered about your birthday. 

Aku akan membelikanmu hadiah jika aku ingat hari ulang tahunmu.

Fact: I forget about your birthday so I don’t buy you a present.

Nah, itulah tadi contoh if clause type 2 beserta faktanya lengkap dengan terjemahan juga agar kalian bisa mempelajari if clause type 2 atau conditional sentence type 2 dengan lebih mudah. Semoga kalian bisa belajar conditional sentence ini tidak kesulitan dan lebih enjoy lagi ya guys!